Choose Your Membership Plan
Every year
Those certified as a BCBA-D, BCBA, BCaBA, or RBT in any state; Licensed
Behavior Analysts in any state; or a professional in a discipline directly related to behavior
analysis whose professional commitment includes teaching, research, and/or practice in
behavior analysis may apply for membership in this category. Full members may vote on
membership decisions of the chapter.
Every year
Affiliate Member
Individuals evidencing an interest in the discipline of behavior analysis, but
without formal training, licensure, or credential (e.g., students, parents, community providers,
educators, etc.) may apply for membership in this category. Affiliate members may not vote on
membership decisions of the chapter.
Member Benefits
Membership is open to any person who are interested in any area of behavior analysis residing in Delaware and the surrounding area
Be the First to Know
DEABA membership ensures that you have timely access to news about upcoming events and initiatives as well as employment opportunities in the field of behavior analysis.
Collaborate with Colleagues
The number of BCBAs in Delaware is growing exponentially. DEABA is the best way to keep in touch with colleagues and collaborate on topics of education, service delivery, ethics, etc. Our members have a wide range of experience, bring valuable ideas and hard-learned lessons.
Obtain Discounts on CEU and advertisement
Annual conference – discounted registration at the state’s premier behavior analysis event
Quarterly CE events – free for members
Advertising discounts – discounted fees for advertising research participant recruitment, job postings, and events.
Support ABA dissemination in Delaware
DEABA members work as a collective voice for the profession of behavior analysis.
With increased membership, DEABA can leverage resources to improve your practice and bottom line (e.g., hire a staff person to assist members with insurance, navigating state requirements).